Rasul Douglas Explains What The Heck He Was Doing When He Walked Over And Knocked That Snap Away On The FG Attempt

Packers Cornerback Rasul Douglas pulled out one of the wildest moves we'd seen in sometime (until one of his teammates pushed a trainer) last night by tightrope walking down the line of scrimmage and batting a ball away as it was snapped. He was called for a flag, but the flag was actually for the push after a little skirmish broke out.

In real time, it made no sense what he was doing. He did look to the sidelines and motion for Matt LaFluer to call timeout before he did this. He took to twitter today to clear up what exactly he was thinking.

So this seems to be just Douglas attempting to do his version of Kevin Garnett blocking a player's shot after a foul so they don't see the ball go through the hoop. I certainly understand the method of it, but he could have just jumped up and called timeout earlier.

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